Prof. Nathan Clarke
University of Plymouth
Professor Clarke is a Professor in Cyber Security and Digital Forensics at the University of Plymouth and Deputy Head for the School of Computing, Electronics and Mathematics. He is also an adjunct Professor at Edith Cowan University in Australia. His research interests reside in the area of information security, biometrics, forensics and cloud security. Prof Clarke has over 200 outputs consisting of journal papers, conference papers, books, edited books, book chapters and patents. He is the Chair of the IFIP TC11.12 Working Group on the Human Aspects of Information Security & Assurance. Prof Clarke is a chartered engineer, a fellow of the British Computing Society (BCS) and a senior member of the IEEE. He is the author of Transparent Authentication: Biometrics, RFID and Behavioural Profilingpublished by Springer. Prof Clarke has been involved in a number of successful EPSRC, Knowledge Transfer Projects and EU Framework 7 and H2020 projects. He has graduated over 24 doctoral students is currently supervising a further 25. Prof Clarke also undertakes flying faculty to NSBM in Sri Lanka teaching CNET335SL Cybercrime and Digital Investigation.