Dr. Piyumi Wickramasinghe
Senior Lecturer
- piyumi.u@nsbm.ac.lk
- +94 11 544 5000 (ext 500)
- Department of Marketing and Tourism
- Faculty of Business
- Google Scholar
Dr. Piyumi Wickramasinghe is currently the Head of the Department of English and Modern Languages at NSBM Green University. She has over twelve years of experience as an academic. She delivers modules in Business Writing, Academic Writing, Communication Skills, Research Methods for Communications research, etc.
She graduated from the University of Kelaniya with a First Class Honours and completed her Masters in Linguistics at the same university. Currently, she is reading for her PhD at Stockholm University, Sweden. Her PhD study focuses on computer mediated dynamic assessment in the second language classroom.
Research Interests
- Second Language Acquisition
- Corrective Feedback
- Dynamic Assessment
- Telecollaboration
- Computer Assisted Language Learning
- European Association of Computer Assisted Language Learning
Journal Publications
- Udeshinee, W. A. P., Knutsson, O., Barbutiu, S. M., & Jayathilake, C. (2022). Re-designing a regulatory scale for dynamic assessment in the synchronous text chat environment in collaboration with teachers. Computer Assisted Language Learning. https://doi.org/10.1080/09588221.2022.2092153
- Udeshinee, W. A. P., Knutsson, O., Männikkö-Barbutiu, S., & Jayathilake, C. (2021). Text Chat as a Mediating Tool in Providing Teachers’ Corrective Feedback in the ESL Context: Social and Cultural Challenges. Asian EFL Journal, 28(1.2), 171–195.
Conference (Full Paper) Publications
- Manegre, M., & Udeshinee, P. (2022). A telecollaborative study of university students in Spain and Sri Lanka using the Soqqle video app. Intelligent CALL, Granular Systems, and Learner Data: Short Papers from EUROCALL 2022, 2022, 252–257. https://doi.org/10.14705/rpnet.2022.61.1467
- Udeshinee, W. A. P., Knutsson, O., & Männikkö-Barbutiu, S. (2019). Complexity and Potential of synchrnous computer mediated corrective feedback: a study from Sri Lanka. CALL and Complexity, 367–372.
- Udeshinee, W. A. P., Knutsson, O., & Männikkö-Barbutiu, S. (2019). Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory In The Context of Synchronous Computer Mediated Corrective Feedback. International Conference On Business Innovation (ICOBI), 153–158.
Ongoing Research
- Udeshinee, W. A. P., Kalyaniwala, C. (2023) Unintended Language Learning in a globalized world : A telecollaboration between France and Sri Lanka (work-in-progress)
- Udeshinee, W. A. P., Knutsson, O., & Barbutiu, S. M. (2022). Implementing Online Collaborative Group Dynamic Assessment in ESL classroom. (under review)
- Udeshinee, W. A. P., Knutsson, O., & Barbutiu, S. M. (2022). Learner reciprocity when using a three-step regulatory scale for dynamic assessment online. (under review)