Ms. Madhavi Madushani
- madhavi.m@nsbm.ac.lk
- +94 11 544 5000 (ext 1327)
- Department of Electrical, Electronic and Systems Engineering
- Faculty of Engineering
- Google Scholar
Ms. T.G.M. Madushani obtained her B.Sc. (4 year) Industrial Mathematics degree in the Faculty of Applied Science from the Rajarata University of Sri Lanka in 2018. She currently reading for her master’s degree in Financial Mathematics at the University of Moratuwa. Prior to joining the Faculty of Engineering in NSBM, she has worked as a temporary lecturer at the Faculty of Applied Science at the Rajarata University of Sri Lanka and a research analyst at the SKAS Global (PVT) Ltd. Further, she is a coordinator of the Sensor Networks and IOT research center in the NSBM research council. Her research interests lie in Statistics, Mathematics, and data analysis.
Journal Publications
- T.G.M. Madushani, L.S. Nawarathna, A. Vadysinghe, C.D. Nanayakkara (2019). Identification of Gender Using Fragments of Femur Bone in a Sri Lankan Population, International Conference in Mathematics and Mathematics Education 2019, University of Peradeniya,
- Punchi-Manage R. , Mapa C., Madhushani M., Dilhara M., Karunathilaka P., Amiyangoda L., Ekenayake U. (2021). Ecological Models to Explain the Distributions of Words in Texts. ISymRU 2021, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka
Ongoing Research
- Clustering of Gender Using Fragments of Femur Bone in a Sri Lankan Population
- Multi-period cash flow – case study