Mr. Piumal Herath
Temporary Lecturer
- piumal.h@nsbm.ac.lk
- +94 11 544 5000 (ext )
- Department of Marketing and Tourism Management
- Faculty of Business
- Google Scholar
Mr. Piumal Herath is a temporary lecturer in the Department of Marketing & Tourism at the Faculty of Business, NSBM. He holds a Bachelor’s in Business Administration specializing in Marketing Management from the University of Jaffna and graduated with receiving two gold medals for the best performance. He is reading for his Master’s in Business Administration at the Postgraduate Institute of Management, University of Sri Jayawardhanapura. Before joining NSBM, Mr. Piumal served as an assistant lecturer in the faculty of Management Studies and Commerce at the University of Jaffna and as a lecturer in the Faculty of Management Studies, the Open University of Sri Lanka
Research Interest
- Supply Chain Management
- Sustainability
- Digital Marketing
- Animal Welfare
- Livelihood Development
- Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain integration in Supply chain
Journal Publications
- Herath, P. and Rajumesh, S. (2022) ‘Supply Management and Organizational Performance: A Study Of Sri Lankan Apparel Manufacturing Organizations’, Management Research and Practice, Volume 14(Issue 4), pp. 19–36. Available at: https://mrp.ase.ro/no144/f2.pdf.
Conference (Full Paper) Publications
- Herath, P. and Sivanandamoorthy, S. (2023), “Animal Welfare and Tourism: Controversy on the Use of Elephants in Ceremonial Proceedings,” Emerging Voices for Animals in Tourism (EVAT), p. 54. Available at: https://www.animalsintourism.com/_files/ugd/0d90f6_cbced07f5263469a8354246bbf92a48d.pdf. (Abstract Submission)
- Herath, P. and Kumaradeepan, V. (2022) “Influence of Consumer Characteristics on Purchasing Behavior: A Case Study of the Insurance Sector in the City of Jaffna, Sri Lanka,” 11th International Conference on Research in Business, Technology, Entrepreneurship and Economy for Sustainable Development in Post COVID-19.
On Going Research
- Herath. P., Kumaradeepan, V., Vinodhan, A., Factors Influencing the Consumer Buying Behavior Towards Sales Declining of Ice in Northern Province (Under Review)
- Herath. P., Sivesan. S, Animal Welfare and Tourism: Controversy on use of elephants in ceremonial proceedings, Target Journal: Annals of Tourism Research (A* in ABDC)
- Herath, P., and Sivesan, S., Tea Tourism and Livelihood Development: A Study Based in Talawakele, Sri Lanka. Target Journal: Journal of Sustainable Tourism (A* in ABDC) (Collecting Data).
- Herath. P., Kajenthiran. K., & Achchuthan, S., Marketing 5.0 Model and Consumer Behavior (Literature Review).
- Herath. P., Rajumesh. S., Artificial Intelligence in Supply Chain Management: Systematic Review and Future Research Direction
- Herath, P., Rodrigo, A., The Impact of Xenocentrism on the Green Purchasing Intentions of Zoomer Consumers