Mr. Isuru Sri Bandara
- isuru.s@nsbm.ac.lk
- +94 11 544 5000 (ext 1237)
- Department of Network and Security
- Faculty of Computing
- Google Scholar
Mr. Isuru Sri Bandara Nishshanka is a graduate of Plymouth University, UK with first-class (Hons) in Bachelor of Science in Computer Networks and reading for his masters in the field of Cyber Security and Forensic. He achieved the Best Performer Award of Computer Network batch of 2019. Before he joins academia, he was a Network and System Administrator at IT division of NSBM Green University, after his graduation, he joined NSBM Green University as a Teaching Assistant and currently working as a Temporary Lecturer attached to the Faculty of Computing. His research interests lie in the fields of digital forensics and IOT security domain and has published two research articles in the field of IOT Security and Cyber law.
Research Interest
- cryptography
- digital forensics
- Internet of Things (IoT)
- security
- British Computer Society (BCS) – Professional Member
- Computer Society of Sri Lanka (CSSL) – Professional Member