Dr. Steven Jakes
University of Plymouth
After completing a BA (Hons.) in Geography and Tourism Studies and MSc in Tourism, Development and Policy at Exeter University, Steve went on to do his PhD in the School of Tourism and Hospitality at Plymouth University, where he currently works as a Lecturer in Tourism Management.
Steve specialises in the teaching of ‘Tourism and the Environment’, ‘Special Interest Tourism’, ‘Tourism Geographies’, ‘Tourism, Development and Culture’, and ‘Crime and Sustainable Tourism’. He also teaches on the ‘Research Methods’ module, with his expertise being in quantitative research methods and data analysis using SPSS. In addition to his teaching role, Steve is also a supervisor to a number of final year Honours Project students, MSc Dissertation students and PhD students from Plymouth University, as well as final year Honours Project students in at NSBM in Sri Lanka, where he is also co-leader for the HTM314 Honours Project module.
Steve’s research interests research interests are in the broad field of issues of economic change, spatial development and social disadvantage in the developed world. Steve is particularly interested in causes, aspects/directions and consequences of seaside resort change. He also is has interests in the relationship between tourism development and poverty reduction, indigenous tourism and community-based development.