Dr. Mohamed Shafraz
Senior Lecturer
- shafraz@nsbm.ac.lk
- +94 11 544 5000 (ext 1230)
- Department of Information and Systems Sciences
- Faculty of Computing
- Google Scholar
Dr. Mohamed Shafraz is currently the head of the Department of Software Engineering and Information Systems and a Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Computing at NSBM Green University. He started his academic career with NIBM in 2008 as an IT Consultant and IT Lecturer. He obtained a Ph.D. in Computer and Systems Sciences at Stockholm University, Sweden, in 2023. Further, he has completed a Bachelor of Information Technology, a Master of Business Administration from the University of Colombo, and an M.Sc. in Information Technology. Furthermore, he has excelled in professional studies, obtaining an Australian Computer Society Examination in IT. Also, a member of IEEE and Computer Society of Sri Lanka.
He has been working with the University of Plymouth, UK, since 2016 as a research project supervisor and lecturer. He served as module leader of the final year computing project module for all the B.Sc. (Hons) in Computing Degrees. He also served as the country coordinator for Victoria University, Australia’s Bachelor of IT degree, in partnership with NSBM Green University.
His primary teaching interests are Object-Oriented Programming, Programming Languages – C, C++, Java, Data Science in Python, Data Structures and Algorithms, Systems Analysis and Design, Information Systems, Software Engineering, and Research Methods. He is actively involved in research activities at the University.
He has published research work in journals and physically attended and presented Conference papers at international conferences. His research interests are ICT for Development(ICT4D), Digital Government, HCI, and AI in Education. Currently, he is engaged in research activities with ActionLab, Monash University, Australia, York St John University, UK, and Stockholm University, Sweden.
Research Interests
- Digital Platform Design
- Information Systems, E-government
- ICT for Development
- Member – IEEE
- Professional Member – Computer Society of Sri Lanka
Journal Publications
- Sapraz, M. and Han, S. (2023) ‘Users’ Evaluation of a Digital Government Collaborative Platform (DGCP) in Sri Lanka’, Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy.
- Sapraz, M. and Han, S. (2021) ‘Implicating Human Values for Designing a Digital Government Collaborative Platform for Environmental Issues: A value sensitive design approach’, Sustainability, 13(11), p. 6240. doi:10.3390/su13116240.
Conference (Full Paper) Publications
- Karunaratne, I. and Sapraz, M. (2019) ‘Exploring the Potential of an E-Service for Environmental Sustainability in Sri Lanka’, in 2nd International Conference on Business Innovation (ICOBI), pp. 107–113.
- Ranathunga, N. and Sapraz, M. (2021) ‘Emergency Alcohol Consumption Limit Detector’, in 4th International Conference on Business Innovation (ICOBI), pp. 207–215.
- Sapraz, M. and Han, S. (2018) ‘Governing Environmental Sustainability: A Literature Review’, in 1st International Conference on Business Innovation (ICOBI), pp. 34–39.
- Sapraz, M. and Han, S. (2019) ‘A Review of Electronic Government for Environmental Sustainability’, in Proceedings of Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2019), Xi’an, China.8–12 July 2019. Paper 155. Association for Information Systems. Available at: https://aisel.aisnet.org/pacis2019/155.
- Sapraz, M. and Han, S. (2021) ‘Improving Collaboration Between Government and Citizens for Environmental Issues: Lessons Learned from a Case in Sri Lanka’, in In ICT Systems and Sustainability: Proceedings of ICT4SD 2020. Springer, Singapore, pp. 297–306. doi:10.1007/978-981-15-8289-9_28.
- Sapraz, M. and Han, S. (2022) ‘Evaluation of a Digital Government Collaborative Platform for Environmental Sustainability in Sri Lanka’, in In Proceedings of Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (Virtual), Taipei-Sydney, 5-9 July,2022.
- Sapraz, M. and Han, S. (2022) ‘Translating Human Values to Design Requirements : The Case of Developing Digital Government Collaborative Platform ( DGCP ) for Environmental Sustainability in Sri Lanka’, in In Proceedings of Dg.o 2022: 23rd Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research Conference (Virtual), Seoul National University, South-Korea, June 15-17, 2022. Association for Computing Machinery(ACM).
Ongoing Research
- Sapraz, M. and Han, S. ‘Case Study – Application of Digital Platorm for solving Enviornmental Issues in Sri Lanka’
- Sapraz, M ,‘ Systematic Literature Review of Chanlleges of Digital Transformation’