The Programme Orientation for the July 2024 Intake of NSBM Foundation Programmes was held on July 29, 2024. This final day focused on introducing students to their respective foundation programmes, providing detailed information on the programme line-up.
The occasion was graced by the presence of Deputy Vice Chancellor, Prof. Chaminda Rathnayake, and Dean of the Faculty of Business, Ms. Thilini De Silva. Sessions were led by programme coordinators from each faculty, including Dr. Mohamed Shafraz, Head of the Department of Software Engineering and Coordinator of the Computing Foundation Programme; Ms. Gimhani Rangalla, Lecturer and Coordinator of the Business Foundation Programme; Ms. Lakshani Jayasinghe, Lecturer and Coordinator of the Science Foundation Programme; and Ms. Nipuni Fernando, Lecturer and Coordinator of the Engineering Foundation Programme.
The Programme Orientation culminated with a senior welcome event, designed to foster a sense of unity among the new entrants and current students. The event featured a variety of performances, entertainment acts, and engaging activities.