As a prelude to the TIDAC Research Symposium 2024, the Faculty of Engineering at NSBM Green University conducted a Pre-Symposium Workshop on August 20, 2024 at the Green Board Room. This workshop marked the beginning of the symposium and
The workshop featured three highly informative sessions aimed at equipping participants with essential skills for academic presentation and publication. Workshop Session 1 on “How to Present Your Research in 10 Minutes?” was delivered by Dr. Kasun Nandapala from the University of Moratuwa while Workshop Session 2 on “How to Create a Successful Scientific Poster?” was led by Dr. Rohan Dassanayake from the University of Sri Jayewardenepura. Further, the Workshop Session 3 on “How to Develop Your Extended Abstract into a Research Paper?” was conducted by Dr. Mohamed Shafraz from NSBM Green University. 
This pre-symposium workshop set a strong foundation for the TIDAC Research Symposium 2024, providing attendees with valuable knowledge and practical skills to enhance their academic endeavors. The Faculty of Engineering at NSBM Green University continues to demonstrate its commitment to fostering research excellence and supporting the academic growth of its students and faculty