A group of nine NSBM undergraduates embarked on an enriching journey in the UK as part of the NSBM Plymouth International Summer School Programme hosted at University Plymouth. Taking place from July 8th to 21st, the International Summer School Programme is an annual event organized collaboratively by NSBM Green University and the University of Plymouth since 2016, aiming to broaden the academic horizons and cultural understanding of NSBM Undergraduates. The students representing the Faculties of Business, Computing, and Engineering are accompanied by Mr. Venura Colombage, Head/Senior Lecturer of the Department of Marketing, Tourism, and Multimedia,
The programme commenced with a warm welcome and briefing session on Day 1, followed by a comprehensive tour of the University campus and key landmarks in Plymouth City. Throughout their programme, students will engage in diverse academic and cultural experiences, enhancing their global perspective and academic skills.