NSBM’s newest undergraduate and foundation intake – July 2024 began an exhilarating academic journey with the commencement of the Orientation Programme today, 24th July 2024, at the Green University premises. This immersive programme is planned to span four days, culminating on the 29th July with faculty orientation.

The Orientation Programme is specifically designed to provide newly enrolled students with a comprehensive understanding of the transformative undergraduate journey ahead while acquainting them with the university and its proceedings before the start of the academic semester.

Day 1 of the programme, themed “Discover Your University,” comprised a series of enlightening sessions that instilled a sense of responsibility and purpose in the hearts of new entrants.  The sessions featured Deputy Vice-Chancellor of NSBM Prof. Chaminda Rathnayake; Dean of the Faculty of Business, Ms. Thilini De Silva; Dean of the Faculty of Science, Dr. Nuwanthi Katuwawila; Head of the Department of Software Engineering, Dr. Mohomad Shafraz; and academic staff of NSBM. 

Adding a unique dimension, a special session was conducted by Mr. Nihal Thalduwa, the Deputy Inspector General of Police, shedding light on “Living in the Digital Era.”

The day concluded with a campus tour, allowing new entrants to explore NSBM’s state-of-the-art facilities and amenities, which provided a firsthand look at the university’s commitment to providing a conducive learning environment.