Department of Mechatronic and Industrial Engineering

Department of Mechatronic and Industrial Engineering is offering very modern industry demanding B.Sc. Engineering Honors Degree in Mechatronics Engineering. Our engineering students get exposed to Industry Automation, Robotics, Manufacturing, Manufacturing Process Designing, Electronics and System Designing areas, where highly demanding areas of the smart industry of the future and are evolving today with the 4th Industry revolution occurring today. We are offering modern laboratory facilities, to a certain that can be connected via online mode even. This unique opening is enhanced with highly qualified academia, leading-edge laboratory complex and industry partnerships. Adhering to professional engineering practices and being touched with neighbour disciplines mould our graduates career-ready to head start with the fourth industrial revolution – Industry 4.0.

Department Head's Message

Our vision is to nurture innovative, multi-skilled engineers equipped to address real-world challenges through a deep understanding of technological, scientific, and practical domains. The Department of Mechatronic and Industrial Engineering offers a comprehensive portfolio of degree programs in Mechanical, Mechatronic, Robotics, and Civil Engineering fields that drive transformative advancements across industries. Our programs are designed to provide a perfect blend of theoretical knowledge and practical application, supported by state-of-the-art laboratory facilities where students gain hands-on experience in solving complex engineering problems. This experiential approach empowers students to push boundaries, innovate, and adapt to the rapidly evolving technological landscape.

At the heart of our mission is a commitment to bridging the gap between academia and industry. Through strong collaborations with industry partners, we ensure that our curriculum remains dynamic and relevant, preparing graduates who are not only workforce-ready but also poised to lead and inspire change. Our research initiatives aim to drive industrial progress, fostering sustainable growth and technological advancement for the nation.

Explore the opportunities within our department and become a part of creating a brighter, sustainable tomorrow.

Mr. Isuru Lakmal
Head – Department of Mechatronic and Industrial Engineering

Academic Staff

Department News

Department of Mechatronic and Industrial Engineering has a dynamic environment where new updates take place in line with advancing technology. Multiple co-curricular and extracurricular events in the department calendar give openings to improve technical literacy and discover student talents while providing a showcase for innovative ideas.

Department Head
Dr. Chandana Perera
+94 (11) 544 6100

New Enrollments
Tell: +94 (11) 544 5000
WhatsApp: +94 71 244 5000

Department Secretary
Mr. Priyankara Gamage
+94 (11) 544 6104 /