Department of Design Studies

The Department of Design Stusies is the most promising place at NSBM to unleash your inner designer while enriching with world-class design education. The department offers a variety of design degrees to fit the industry’s requirements. Living in a world where there’s no art, design, or architecture can be unexciting and Design has become part of everyday lifestyles so much that everyone feels the need for it. The prospective candidates who are passionate about designing their own living space or creating something new with materials already available or with the sense that the world’s future lies in art and design are guided at the Department of Design Studies to discover their true potenssio=als and step on to a wonderful design career. The academic studies of the department cater to the demands of the current trends in the construction industry, and NSBM’s Design degrees are the finest in the world that suit all requirements of undergraduates to polish the born designer in them.

Come join us to unlock that talent hidden inside you.

Department Head's Message

Our vision is to create unique, outstanding, multi-skilled, creative designers who can address critical real-life problem scenarios through their implicit and explicit knowledge. Our design curriculums are rich knowledge sources that could address theoretical, scientific, technological, and practical subject domains. It is a rich composite of theory and hands-on practice to give a perfect learning experience. Our teaching and learning are not limited to the fixed boundaries of the design studio. We are encouraging students to learn by doing while stepping out from the conventional framework of teaching and learning. Students are motivated to explore, inspire, feel and see real-life scenarios through the implicit understanding of the problem domain. We give individual, student-oriented, face-to-face collaboration in order to build creativity and confidence. Students are learning through direct peer guidance and are encouraged to defend their innovative design concepts and solutions through the logical reasoning process.
Archt. Upeksha Hettithanthri
Head of the Department

Academic Staff

Department News

The Department of Design Studies fosters relationships and a culture of service within and beyond our university community.

Student Life

Students are learning through direct peer guidance and are encouraged to defend their innovative design concepts and solutions through logical reasoning processes. Through the annual “Invospace” publication, students get an academic platform to publish their best design solutions. This will be an indirect motivation for students to explore, perform and recognize themselves in a unique way.

Department Head
Archt. Upeksha Hettithanthri
+94 (11) 544 6100 /

New Enrollments
Tell: +94 (11) 544 5000
WhatsApp: +94 71 244 5000

Department Secretary
Ms. Kanchana Jayasingha
+94 (11) 544 6102 /