BSc in Business Management (Industrial Management) (Special)
UGC Approved – Offered By NSBM
Duration - 4 Years (Full time)
At NSBM, we are committed to equipping our students with the knowledge and skills necessary to thrive in the dynamic global landscape. The B.Sc. in Business Management (Special) Degree program is specifically designed to prepare students for the business world by cultivating a diverse range of essential skills.
Our program, with a focus on industrial management, delves deep into the operational challenges of organizations. Students gain invaluable insights into the intricacies of manufacturing activities, production planning, quality assurance, worker safety, maintenance procedures, waste reduction through lean practices, and the implementation of work studies and method studies. This comprehensive approach ensures that graduates possess a profound understanding of how businesses operate, emphasizing the importance of efficiency, quality, and sustainability.
- Opportunity for industrial training and employment during the 3rd and 4th years of the program.
- Comprehensive understanding of industry-relevant technologies to stay competitive in the evolving business landscape.
- Regular field visits providing firsthand insights into the operational dynamics of manufacturing firms.
- Emphasis on operational excellence and efficiency in organizational functions.
- Specialized focus on industrial management, ensuring a deep understanding of manufacturing activities.
- Our aim to offer an enriching, intellectually demanding and stimulating programme of study and to create graduates who are able to:
- Describe basic concepts and theories within the area of Industrial Management.
- Construct and sustain arguments related to Industrial Management
- Diagnose problematic situations and solve problems using appropriate ideas and techniques in a professional context
- Provide a scientific or engineering-based background with business skills relevant for pursuing managerial careers in manufacturing and service industries
- Clearly communicate information, ideas, issues, problems andsolutions to specialistas well as non-specialist audiences.
- Ready to exercise initiative, identify situations they need support from others
- Prepared to carry out further training and manage own learning.
Year 1
- Management Process
- Business Communication
- Financial Accounting I
- Economics for Managers
- Soft Skills Development (CREST)
- Management Accounting
- Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
- Business Environment
- Project Management
- Business Mathematics and Statistics I
Year 2
- Organizational Bahaviour
- Marketing Management
- Financial Accounting II
- Professional Development
- Operations Management
- Financial Management
- Human Resources Development
- Logistics Management
- Quality Management
- Industrial Relations
Year 3
- Production Planning and Control
- Maintenance Management
- Industrial Health and Safety
- Innovation and New product Development
- Computer Integrated Manufacturing
- Industrial Relations
- Industrial Training
- Strategic Management
Year 4
- Industrial Engineering
- Operations Research
- Strategic Quality Management and Lean Six Sigma
- Business Simulation
- Materials Management
- Research Methodology
- Dissertation
- Business Ethics and CSR
Students should have either of the following qualifications
- Six passes (with 3 credit passes) in GCE Ordinary Level and Three Passes in GCE Advance Level in a single sitting, in the respective streams stipulated or approved by UGC, at one of the following examinations or an equivalent foreign qualification. Equivalent foreign qualification is defined as the minimum requirement for admission to a similar programme in a UGC recognized university in that country.
- G.C.E. Advanced Level examination conducted by the Department of Examinations, Sri Lanka.
- G.C.E Advanced Level examination conducted by Pearson Edexel, UK (London A/L).
- International Advanced Level examination conducted by Pearson Edexel, UK.
- G.S.E Advanced Level examination conducted by Cambridge International Examination, UK
* Candidates with impressive results at a foreign examination held outside Sri Lanka, deemed equivalent to G.C.E. (Advanced Level) Examination of Sri Lanka are eligible to apply for admission to universities in Sri Lanka.
- Year 1 - 700,000 LKR
- Year 2 - 700,000 LKR
- Year 3 - 700,000 LKR
- Year 4 - 700,000 LKR
- Registration Fee - 10,000 LKR
- Library Fee - 5,000 LKR
Student Loan facilities are available from

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The fee for each semester is 350,000 LKR
Student Loan facilities are available from

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Graduates from the BSc in Business Management Industrial Management) (Special) degree program are likely to find employment in the following areas of Management,
- Manufacturing and Production Companies – Departments including Production Division, Quality Assurance Division, Production Planning Division, Health & Safety Division, IE Division, New Product & Innovation Development etc.
- Freight Forwarding Companies
- Construction Companies
- Regulations and Planning Institutions
- Quality Control and Assurance Institutions
- Business Consultancy Services
- Other Service Providers
- Various Government Departments
- Research Firms