BSc honours in Nutrition and Health (SLQF 6)
Duration - 4 Years (Full time)
This programme is a health sciences degree that focuses on the role of food and how it affects human biology, well-being and prevention of disease. It is designed for students who are committed to health promotion and disease prevention through healthy eating. Curriculum begins with the fundamentals: an introduction to biochemistry, biology and physiology, chemistry for life science, and the basic principles of nutrition. As the course progresses, it contains more specialist and advanced areas, such as clinical, human and public health nutrition.
- UGC approved 4 year degree programme
- The programme encompasses non-GPA foundational courses, core and elective courses.
- Includes mandatory industry placement and supervised research project element
Aims of the Program
- To provide an integrated course, centred on human nutrition and healthy eating, food safety and regulatory processes, food analysis and public health.
- To give hands-on experience of a wide range of scientific techniques.
- To mimic real-life scenarios, such as analysing nutrient intake from a food diary, developing dietary interventions and designing health promotion campaigns.
- To provide insight from researchers and current practitioners who will bring you the latest issues on a wide range of nutritional and health topics.
Year 1
- Laboratory practice and safety
- General Chemistry
- Human Physiology
- Cell Biology
- Biomolecules
- Human Anatomy I
- Metabolism
- Analytical chemistry
- Organic chemistry
- Genetics
- Laboratory practice and safety
- General Chemistry
- Human Physiology
- Cell Biology
- Biomolecules
- Human Anatomy
- Organic chemistry
- Analytical chemistry
- Pharmaceutics I
- General Instrumentation
- Analytical Chemistry laboratory
- Chemistry Elementary Laboratory
Year 2
- Biochemistry
- Pathology
- Microbiology
- Parasitology
- Immunobiology
- Biostatistics
- Molecular Biology
- Human diseases
- Toxicology
- Clinical biochemistry
- Instrumentation
- Biochemistry
- General Pathology
- Pharmaceutical Microbiology
- Biostatistics
- Physical Pharmacy
- Pharmacology I
- Pharmaceutics II
- Introduction to Pharmacognosy
- Clinical Biochemistry
- Immunobiology
- Organic Chemistry laboratory
- Physical Pharmacy laboratory
Year 3
- Pharmacology
- Basics of Human Nutrition
- Nutrition and chronic diseases
- Nutrition and life cycle
- Food and food analysis
- Nutritional product development
- Advanced Pharmacognosy
- Pharmacology II
- Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
- Biopharmaceutics
- Toxicology
- Research methodology
- Industrial Pharmacognosy
- Pharmacy Law and Ethics
- Community Pharmacy Practice
- Industrial Pharmacognosy Laboratory
Year 4
- Research project
- Epidemiology
- Health Education
- Environmental and health
- Nutraceutical development
- Global Health
- Gut microbiome, Diet and Health
- Cancer Biology
- Advanced Instrumentation
- Clinical Pharmacy
- Research project
- Pharmacotherapeutics
- Cancer biology and diagnostics
- Drug Development and Clinical Trials
- Medicinal Chemistry
- Pharmaceutical Engineering
- Pharmaceutical project management
- Basics in Nanobiotechnology
- Computer aided drug design
- Three Passes in biology/agriculture streams in a single sitting, at one of the following examinations or equivalent foreign qualifications is the minimum entry requirement. Equivalent foreign qualification is defined as the minimum requirement for admission to the first year of a UGC recognized university in that country.
- Eligible subjects in GCE A/L Biology streams – Biology, Chemistry, Physics
- Eligible subjects in GCE A/L Agriculture streams – Biology, Chemistry, Agriculture
- GCE A/L General English minimum marks- ‘S’ pass
- GCE A/L General Knowledge minimum marks- 30%
- GCE Advanced Level examination conducted by the Department of Examinations, Sri Lanka
- GCE Advanced Level examination conducted by Pearson Edexel, UK (London A/L)
- International Advanced Level examination conducted by Pearson Edexel, UK
- GSE Advanced Level examination conducted by Cambridge International Examinations, UK
- Year 1 - 800,000 LKR (Installments 400,000 x 2)
- Year 2 - 800,000 LKR (Installments 400,000 x 2)
- Year 3 - 800,000 LKR (Installments 400,000 x 2)
- Year 4 - 800,000 LKR (Installments 400,000 x 2)
- Registration Fee - 10,000 LKR
- Library Fee - 5,000 LKR
Student Loan facilities are available from

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The fee for each semester is 400,000 LKR
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Career Prospects
There are many career paths in health and nutrition sciences, including clinical, food management, education, community health, and research. Nutrition professionals are involved in nutritional assessment; developing, implementing, and evaluating nutrition interventions; developing nutrition-related public health policies; and monitoring the health of individuals, communities and populations.
Direct career opportunities:
- Food industries
- Public health services
- Nutraceutical product industries
- Pharmaceutical industries
- Health agencies
- Research institutes