BM (Hons) in Law and E-Commerce
Duration - 4 Years (Full time)
In an era where digital commerce is thriving, understanding the legal aspects of e-commerce is essential. This course delves into the legalities surrounding online transactions, data protection, privacy regulations, and intellectual property rights specific to the digital sphere. Students also examine the legal challenges and opportunities faced by e-commerce startups and established online businesses.
- Integration of Legal and E-commerce Courses : The programme should seamlessly integrate courses in law and e-commerce, providing a comprehensive understanding of how legal regulations impact online business operations.
- Core Legal Courses: Students typically study core legal subjects relevant to e-commerce, such as digital law, intellectual property law, contract law, and law of obligations. These courses establish a foundation in legal principles essential for the digital environment.
- E-commerce Curriculum: E-commerce-specific courses cover topics like Security on Virtual Businesses, Introduction to Social-Media, ICT Infrastructure Management and Governance, ICT Project Management & Procurement, Digital Evidence & Forensics. These courses help students grasp the unique challenges and opportunities of online business.
- Digital Technology Awareness: Given the technological nature of e-commerce, students may learn about the technical aspects of online platforms, digital marketing tools, and e-commerce software.
- Legal Research and Writing: Courses in legal research and writing are crucial to help students analyse complex legal issues, draft contracts and agreements, and communicate legal arguments effectively.
- Practical Experience: This programme offers opportunities for internships or projects with e-commerce companies, law firms specialising in e-commerce law, or regulatory agencies. This hands-on experience allows students to apply their knowledge in real-world e-commerce settings.
- E-commerce Regulations : Students should gain an understanding of the legal and regulatory frameworks governing e-commerce, including international, national, and industry-specific regulations.
- Intellectual Property Rights: In-depth coverage of intellectual property rights is crucial, as they are central to protecting digital assets such as trademarks, copyrights, and patents.
- Networking Opportunities: The programme will facilitate networking with professionals in the field, including e-commerce lawyers, entrepreneurs, e-commerce platform providers, and regulatory authorities.
- Career Services Career development services, such as job placement assistance, internships, and access to job boards specific to e-commerce and technology law, can be valuable for students seeking employment in this field.
- International Perspective: Given the global nature of e-commerce, programmes may include an international dimension, covering international e-commerce regulations and cross-border legal issues.
Year 1
- Introduction to Law and Legal Systems
- Personal & Professional Development
- Microeconomics
- Introduction to Economics
- Financial Accounting
- Sustainability (non-credit Compulsory)
- Constitutional Law
- Law of Obligations
- Business Mathematics
- Professional Communication
- Introduction to E-Commerce
- Academic Writing
Year 2
- Law of Corporations
- Law of contracts
- CSR & Business Ethics
- Security on Virtual Businesses
- Introduction to Social-Media
- Digital Law
- Law of Evidence
- Entrepreneurship and Innovation
- Organisational Behaviour & Analysis
- E-Business and Digital Transactions
Year 3
- Advanced Commercial Law
- Procedural Laws
- ICT Infrastructure Management and Governance
- ICT Project Management & Procurement
- Industrial Training/ Internship
- Intellectual Property Law
- Research Methodology
- Strategic Information Systems
Year 4
- Legal Aspects of Cyber Security
- Commercial Remedies
- Leadership for Organisational Change
- Contemporary Issues in International Business
- Dissertation
- Banking and Finance Law
- Professional Issues in ICT
- Digital Evidence & Forensics
Students should have either of the following qualifications
- A Candidate should have three passes (3 “S”) from any Arts, Commerce, Biological Science, Physical Science or Technology streams in a single sitting at one of the following examinations or equivalent foreign qualifications is the minimum entry requirement.
- G.C.E. Advanced Level examination conducted by the Department of Examinations, Sri Lanka.
- G.C.E Advanced Level examination conducted by Pearson Edexel, UK (London A/L).
- International Advanced Level examination conducted by Pearson Edexel, UK.
- G.S.E Advanced Level examination conducted by Cambridge International Examination, UK
Candidates with impressive results at a foreign examination held outside Sri Lanka, deemed equivalent to G.C.E. (Advanced Level) Examination of Sri Lanka are eligible to apply for admission.
- Year 1 - 700,000 LKR
- Year 2 - 700,000 LKR
- Year 3 - 700,000 LKR
- Year 4 - 700,000 LKR
- Registration Fee - 10,000 LKR
- Library Fee - 5,000 LKR
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The fee for each semester is 350,000 LKR
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E-commerce Legal Consultant.
Privacy and Data Protection Officer
E-commerce Compliance Officer
Entrepreneurship and Startups: Graduates with a law and e-commerce background may choose to start their own e-commerce businesses or legal consulting firms catering to startups in the digital space.
Government Regulatory Roles: Government agencies often hire professionals with expertise in e-commerce law to develop and enforce regulations related to online commerce, data protection, and consumer rights.
Academic and Research Positions: Those interested in academia or research can pursue careers as professors, researchers, or policy analysts in areas related to e-commerce law, technology law, or internet policy.
Consulting and Advisory Roles: Consulting firms and advisory companies often seek experts in e-commerce law to provide strategic advice to clients on digital transformation, regulatory compliance, and risk management.