BM (Hons) in International Business
Duration - 4 Years (Full time)
The main purpose of this degree program is to award a University Grants Commission recognized, four-year special degree program in International Business Management with an internship opportunity and dissertation. A higher demand from prospective students for a special degree in International Business. Rising demand in corporate sector for international business management graduates or professionals for Multinational companies. NSBM Green University Town craft globally competent local graduates with a wide array of corporate skills, perfect attitudes with broaden knowledge. BM in International Business Management Special degree program focuses on an evolving specialization area of business and international business management. Aim of this degree program is to prepare students with international business knowledge, management skills and human relation skill to face with competitiveness in international business environment.
- To nurture students with a comprehensive academic background and a sound professional background in International Business Management field to rise as globally competent international business managers in Sri Lankan and global business arena.
Year 1
- Management Process
- Business Communication
- Financial Accounting I
- Economics for Managers
- Soft Skills Development (CREST)
- Management Accounting
- Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
- Business Environment
- Project Management
- Business Mathematics and Statistics I
Year 2
- Organizational Bahaviour
- Marketing Management
- Financial Accounting II
- Operations Management
- Introduction to International Business Management
- Language: Chinese (Mandarin)
- Human Resources Development
- Logistics Management
- Quality Management
- Foreign Trade Theory
- Foreign direct investments and Multi-National Corporations
- French Language
Year 3
- Strategic Management
- Management Information Systems
- International Marketing and Branding
- International Human Resource Management and Relations
- International Finance
- Business and Industrial Law
- Cross cultural Management or International Study tour programme
- Digital marketing(elective)*
- International Communication(elective)*
- Industrial Training
Year 4
- Research Methodology
- Internationalization of Entrepreneurship and Innovation
- International Trade law
- e-Business
- Sri Lankan Economy and Global Economic Trends
- Global Strategy
- Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility
- Contemporary Issues in International Business
- Dissertation
Students should have either of the following qualifications
- Six passes (with 3 credit passes) in GCE Ordinary Level and Three Passes in GCE Advance Level in a single sitting, in the respective streams stipulated or approved by UGC, at one of the following examinations or an equivalent foreign qualification. Equivalent foreign qualification is defined as the minimum requirement for admission to a similar programme in a UGC recognized university in that country.
- G.C.E. Advanced Level examination conducted by the Department of Examinations, Sri Lanka.
- G.C.E Advanced Level examination conducted by Pearson Edexel, UK (London A/L).
- International Advanced Level examination conducted by Pearson Edexel, UK.
- G.S.E Advanced Level examination conducted by Cambridge International Examination, UK
* Candidates with impressive results at a foreign examination held outside Sri Lanka, deemed equivalent to G.C.E. (Advanced Level) Examination of Sri Lanka are eligible to apply for admission to universities in Sri Lanka.
- Year 1 - 700,000 LKR
- Year 2 - 700,000 LKR
- Year 3 - 700,000 LKR
- Year 4 - 700,000 LKR
- Registration Fee - 10,000 LKR
- Library Fee - 5,000 LKR
Student Loan facilities are available from

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The fee for each semester is 350,000 LKR
Student Loan facilities are available from

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This programme offers the opportunity to enter to the mid layer of the management careers upon the areas of the specialization.
- Business Management Degree