BM (Honors) in Business Analytics
Duration - 4 Years (Full time)
Business Analytics is a relatively new discipline that helps organizations make sense of the huge amount data that is being collected through a variety of sources. It uses a combination of business and data analysis techniques to uncover information in the data, enabling organizations to improve their operational efficiency based on customers’ priorities. Hence, if you like mathematics, interested in web and social media and would like to know how they are used for creating value, this is the right programme for you.
Bachelor of Management (Honors) in Business Analytics degree at the Faculty of Business is the most sought-after degree in the post-pandemic era as in today’s world of big data, multinational companies increasingly require the skills of talented business analysts to deliver data models, insights, and strategic solutions. The Business Analytics graduates aim to develop business administrative, data management and investigative skills with hands-on lessons in several software packages required in the Business Analytics field.

- UGC Approved 4-year honour’s degree with business in general, and business analytics in particular with industry placement and supervised research project element
- A unique and up-to-date collection of modules with electives to cater to the Business Analytics career pathway
- Access to state-of-the-art business analytics software tools
- Work on real-world projects, practice with the analysis tools used by professionals and become a confident Business Analyst
Year 1
- Management Process
- Business Communication
- Financial Accounting
- Micro-economics
- Soft Skills Development
- Introduction to Business Analytics
- Fundamentals of Mathematics
- Computer Applications
- Statistics for Analytics I
- Academic Writing
Year 2
- Human Resource Management
- Marketing Management
- Finance Management
- Operations Management
- Introduction to Information systems
- Data visualization using Tableau
- R for Business Analytics
- Statistics for Analytics II
- Introduction to Enterprise Systems
- Business Law
Year 3
- Marketing Analytics
- Human Resource Analytics
- System analysis and design
- Big data analytics in Business
- Operations Analytics
- Data visualization with Power BI
- Industrial Training
- Data Mining and predictive analytics
- Data warehousing
Year 4
- Statistical Quality control
- Research Methodology
- Operations Research
- Enterprise and Entrepreneurship
- Global Strategy
- Data Governance and Ethics
- Dissertation
- Strategic Analytics
- Time series modelling
- Artificial Intelligence and analytical trends
- Digital Analytics for Marketing
- Financial Modeling for decision making
Students should have either of the following qualifications
- Having three Passes (including at least a simple pass for one of the following subjects; Economics, Statistics, Mathematics, Combined Mathematics or Physics) in the Arts stream or three passes in Commerce, Biological science, Physical Science, and Technology streams in a single setting at one of the following examinations or equivalent foreign qualifications is the minimum entry requirement.
- G.C.E. Advanced Level examination conducted by the Department of Examinations, Sri Lanka.
- G.C.E Advanced Level examination conducted by Pearson Edexel, UK (London A/L).
- International Advanced Level examination conducted by Pearson Edexel, UK.
- G.S.E Advanced Level examination conducted by Cambridge International Examination, UK
- *The students from non-commerce (Arts, Biological Science, Physical Science or Technology) are required to follow a bridging programme offered by the Faculty of Business in their first year. This programme will cover the basic understanding of Management, Accounting, Economics, English and Communication skills.
* Candidates with impressive results at a foreign examination held outside Sri Lanka, deemed equivalent to G.C.E. (Advanced Level) Examination of Sri Lanka are eligible to apply for admission to universities in Sri Lanka.
- Year 1 - 700,000 LKR
- Year 2 - 700,000 LKR
- Year 3 - 700,000 LKR
- Year 4 - 700,000 LKR
- Registration Fee - 10,000 LKR
- Library Fee - 5,000 LKR
The fee for each semester is 350,000 LKR
Student Loan facilities are available from

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- Business analyst
- Business intelligence specialist
- Market Research Analyst
- Data Analyst
- Process Analyst
- Business Consultant
- Information analyst
- Information manager/information officer