Duration - 3 Years + 6 Month Internship (Full time)
Bachelor of Interior Design is a professional degree program that provides creative and technical solutions, comprehensive with space, form, function and material. This program is mainly focused on aspects such as space layouts, lighting, building services and regulations etc. giving the student a vast understanding through academic and industrial training to obtain the required knowledge in facing the design industry. This program allows the student to work through various projects within the context of Retail, branding /commercial, hospitality, exhibition as well as furniture designing. The degree helps and encourages students to be creative and innovative by providing them with a combination of workshops, seminars and other activities to develop their design and skills to become professionals.
- Professional communication skills to effectively communicate in both graphical and verbal form
- Research skills to inquire, gather, analyse and interact both qualitative and qualitative information
- English language skills
- Information technology skills
- Professional value system to work within the construction industry
- Senility to environment factors
- Ability understand in depth value systems of socio-economic forces to interpret them into design ideas
- High level of self-motivation to become creative professionals
- Ability to interpret realistic socio-cultural and economic background of project within current context.
- To assess own capabilities and acquire any new knowledge whenever necessary.
- Students will develop skills, knowledge and attitude and the necessary life skills which would permit them to perform competently; build a passion towards continuous learning and self-development to cater for diverse needs in their careers.
Year 1
- Introduction to Interior Design I
- Historical and Cultural Influence on Interior Design I
- Design Communication I
- Theory and Practice of Interior Design
- Building Science
- Materials – structural- Building construction I
- Business English
- Interior Design II
- Historical and Cultural Influence on Interior Design II
- Design Communication II
- Basics of Building Construction
- Digital Communication I
- Materials –interior - interior construction & design II
- Environmental Psychology
Year 2
- Interior Design III
- Historical and Cultural influences on Interior Design III
- Design Communication III
- Building Technology I
- Furniture Design
- Digital communication II
- Interior Design IV
- Professional Practice
- Interior Lighting
- Environmental Studies and Services
- Digital communication III
- Building Technology II
- Interior Acoustics
Year 3
- Research Methodology and essay
- Introduction to Interior Design V
- Project Management
- Research Methodology and essay
- Marketing Management
- Interior Design V
- Advanced Interior Design Practice VI
- Design Management and by Law
- Internship
Six passes (with 3 credit passes) in GCE Ordinary Level and Three Passes in GCE Advance Level in a single sitting, in the respective streams stipulated or approved by UGC, at one of the following examinations or an equivalent foreign qualification. Equivalent foreign qualification is defined as the minimum requirement for admission to a similar programme in a UGC recognized university in that country.
- G.C.E. Advanced Level examination conducted by the Department of Examinations, Sri Lanka
- G.C.E Advanced Level examination conducted by Pearson Edexel, UK (London A/L)
- International Advanced Level examination conducted by Pearson Edexel, UK
- G.S.E Advanced Level examination conducted by Cambridge International Examinations, UK
- Year 1 - 700,000 LKR
- Year 2 - 700,000 LKR
- Year 3 - 700,000 LKR
- Registration Fee - 10,000 LKR
- Library Fee - 5,000 LKR
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The fee for each semester is 400,000 LKR
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Interior Designer, Furniture Designer, Retail Designer, Space Planner, Set Designer , Visualizer, Exhibition Designer, Event Manager, Public Space Planner , CAD Designer, Commercial Space Planner, Colour conultant , Project Management, Consultant, Information Designer